Here in the UK it's a bank holiday today. I learnt a while ago that one of our local supermarkets does good reductions on strawberries on the summer bank holidays. I wasn't let down. So I bought two punnets. Earlier in the summer I had bulk bought strawberries and they went to waste because I didn't do anything with them fast enough. So today I sat down to some prep them and then freeze them. See the photo below. I will bag them up later (need to cut my hair, shower, shave and have some dinner) and then freeze them. There's so much in the way of lovely fruit at the moment, but I already eat too much sugar so it's breaking my heart to not be able to eat more fruit whilst it's around.
The big urban homesteading news in my household though is that I have chickens! I've wanted them since I was a child. When we were house hunting last night we deliberately picked somewhere that didn't exclude them in the deeds. We moved in and discovered that a neighbour had a chicken and some ducks. I didn't get organised enough earlier in the year so I only just picked them up last weekend.
That's two lohman browns and one amber link. They're still relatively young but have been settling in for the last week. At least one of them has been practising nesting in the last couple of days but judging by their wattles etc they're still a bit of a way from being ready to lay. I need to clip their wings so that I can leave them alone in the garden. I tried it friday and then looked out of the window to see one of them on the henhouse eyeing up whether she could make it to the top of the fence. But so far I think it's been a positive for my mental health being able to stand outside watching them with cup of tea in hand. My mental health is a big rubbish at the moment so this is helpful.
PS I had forgotten that I had Practical Paleo on pre-order and that arrived this week (earlier than expected because it seems brough forward their release date). First impressions are great, but I will do a proper review once I've finished reading.